An Evening of Shorts

"The Dancer" takes us on a universal journey through the enchanting narration of an older woman. This blended poetry performance tells the story of Grace, a young girl with dreams of becoming a dancer. Through the art of storytelling, we witness Grace's passion, determination, and the transformative power of pursuing one's dreams.
"It's Not My Fault" sheds light on the Me Too movement and the pervasive blame culture surrounding sexual assault victims. Through a powerful blend of poetry, song, and movement, this choreopoem monologue explores the stories of survivors, offering a poignant reflection on their experiences.

"Not Without Her Stories" delves into the lives of women who have served in the military and their arduous journey towards healing upon returning home from deployment. Addressing issues such as PTSD, depression, MST (Military Sexual Trauma), and transitioning to civilian life, this short play sheds light on the challenges faced by these courageous individuals.
"What's Wrong With Me?" introduces us to a successful young psychologist who seemingly has it all, except for one thing—Mr. Right. After yet another underwhelming first date, the protagonist is forced to confront herself and analyze her role in her failed attempts to find companionship. This introspective play delves into self-discovery and the pursuit of meaningful connections.